Monthly Archives: May 2012

Exercising Safely in Heat and Humidity

With June (the unofficial start of summer—yay!) just around the corner and a wave of humidity hitting Boston, I’ve found myself sweating more than usual when I exercise. And it’s only going to get warmer from here. Exercising outside is

Posted in exercise, humidity, outdoors, perspiration, safety, summer, sweat, videos

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

There’s an old Girl Scouts song that goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold.” We used to sing it in a round at nearly every troop meeting, and it’s long been a

Posted in community, friendship, gratitude, memories, social network

How to Gain Weight Healthfully

Whether you are genetically underweight (have a BMI below 18.5), have a medical condition that makes it difficult to stay at a healthy weight, need to gain pounds during pregnancy, or would simply like to add lean muscle mass, putting

Posted in eating well, exercise, gaining weight, snacks

Is Your Commute Killing You?

How’s that for a sensational headline? Perhaps more accurate is what Bill Briggs wrote in his MSNBC article on the topic: “…new science suggests your sluggish slog from home to work (and back again) is slowly sucking the life out

Posted in cancer, commute, eating well, exercise, healthy choices, high blood pressure, obesity, sleep, stress, traffic

Save Your Skin!

May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, and a study published in Aprilindicates that between the 1970s and 2000s melanoma rates increased fourfold for men under 40 and a whopping eightfoldfor women under 40. The researchers attribute the increase

Posted in appearance, cancer, dermatologist, look younger, melanoma, outdoors, sun exposure, tanning

