Monthly Archives: June 2012

The Dirty Dozen

Each year the Environmental Working Group releases an updated Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, which includes a list of the Dirty Dozen (the twelve fruits and vegetables most likely to be contaminated by pesticide residue) and the Clean Fifteen

Posted in CSA, eating well, fruits and vegetables, organic, pesticide, produce

The Nutritional Downside of Prescription Drugs

For today’s post, I’m pulling an article out of the archives. A new study in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that statins—widely used cholesterol-lowering drugs—are linked to fatigue, particularly during exercise. In the study, women were more likely to

Posted in antibiotics, antidepressant, blood pressure, CoQ10, diabetes, drugs, medication, medicine, nutrition, prescription

Happy Anniversary!

This week, Dan and I celebrated our 13thwedding anniversary (!), so in honor of this momentous occasion, I decided to share with you some of my favorite things that have to do with weddings, marriage, and 13. Enjoy! Weddings Highly

Posted in gratitude, holidays, marriage, wedding

