Blog Archives

Exercising Safely in Heat and Humidity

With June (the unofficial start of summer—yay!) just around the corner and a wave of humidity hitting Boston, I’ve found myself sweating more than usual when I exercise. And it’s only going to get warmer from here. Exercising outside is

Posted in exercise, humidity, outdoors, perspiration, safety, summer, sweat, videos

Save Your Skin!

May is Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, and a study published in Aprilindicates that between the 1970s and 2000s melanoma rates increased fourfold for men under 40 and a whopping eightfoldfor women under 40. The researchers attribute the increase

Posted in appearance, cancer, dermatologist, look younger, melanoma, outdoors, sun exposure, tanning

Boston in the Fall

I know that there are crazy people who profess that they enjoy winter. I don’t think they’ve ever lived through a winter in Boston. My favorite season, by far, is summer, when fresh food is varied and abundant, it’s fun

Posted in fall, outdoors, season, winter

