Blog Archives

Lent and the Art of Fasting

Personal revival occurs because fasting is an act of humility—Bill Bright I like the season of Lent as much as I like the season of Advent—both are full of hope and expectation, and the promise of good things to come.

Posted in goals, hope, inspiration, priorities, resolutions, writing

Reward Yourself

I read a lot of magazines in my line of work, and a suggestion I’ve read over and over again is that when faced with a large goal, your best plan of attack is to identify smaller, realistic steps that

Posted in goals, healthy choices, motivation, resolutions, rewards

Meatless Meal Ideas

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eat more healthfully, a great way to start is to make at least one of your meals each week without meat. In my book, I talk about the anti-aging benefits of

Posted in cooking, goals, new year, produce, recipes, resolutions, vegetables, weight loss

It’s a New Year: To Resolve or Not to Resolve?

I have mixed feelings about New Year’s resolutions. On one hand, the changing of the calendar represents a fresh start, a chance to evaluate the last year and refocus on what really matters to you going forward. (Being careful, of

Posted in goals, holidays, hope, new year, resolutions

