Blog Archives

Make New Friends, but Keep the Old

There’s an old Girl Scouts song that goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old, one is silver and the other’s gold.” We used to sing it in a round at nearly every troop meeting, and it’s long been a

Posted in community, friendship, gratitude, memories, social network

Inspiration! Or, Why I Love Conferences

Some of you may not know that I am branching out into writing middle-grade fiction, which is entirely new territory for me. While it is vastly different than the health writing I’ve based my career on thus far, there is

Posted in brain health, community, hobbies, social network, writing

Community Involvement

On my birthday, I blogged about friendship and how important it is to feel like you are part of a community. In the comments, KV suggested joining a book club or another group with shared interests (FYI, she found the

Posted in active, community, depression, live longer, neighbor, volunteer

Your Presence Is My Present

Have you seen this phrase before? It’s frequently used on invitations as a nicer way of saying “no gifts.” And in celebrating my birthday this past week, it was absolutely true for me. Dan and I moved to Boston about

Posted in birthday, community, friendship, social network

