Yearly Archives: 2012

Are You at Risk for Diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes is one of the most prevalent diseases in America today—chances are, even if you don’t have it, you know several people who do. Diabetes is also largely preventable, and the first step to preventing it is to

Posted in diabetes, exercise, lifestyle changes, sugar, weight loss

Want to Live Longer? Eat Less Red Meat.

A study published yesterday in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that eating too much red meat can shorten your lifespan. Now, red meat has had a bad reputation for a while (blame its saturated fat and cholesterol content, which

Posted in blood pressure, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, eating well, insulin, nitrites, processed foods, red meat, sodium

The Calcium Connection

The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,000 mg per day for men and women ages 19-50. After age 50, women get bumped up to 1,200 mg per day. Although it is far and away better to get your

Posted in blood pressure, bone health, calcium, cardiovascular disease, food, fracture, fruits and vegetables

Snack Your Way Healthy

Done right, snacks can fill in nutritional gaps, help keep your blood sugar steady, and quell cravings. Experts say you should eat every few hours, which for me means that I need a bite to eat in the late afternoon

Posted in cooking, eating well, fruits and vegetables, healthy choices, snacks

Lent and the Art of Fasting

Personal revival occurs because fasting is an act of humility—Bill Bright I like the season of Lent as much as I like the season of Advent—both are full of hope and expectation, and the promise of good things to come.

Posted in goals, hope, inspiration, priorities, resolutions, writing

Reward Yourself

I read a lot of magazines in my line of work, and a suggestion I’ve read over and over again is that when faced with a large goal, your best plan of attack is to identify smaller, realistic steps that

Posted in goals, healthy choices, motivation, resolutions, rewards

Groundhog Day

Good old Punxsutawney Phil will make his annual appearance on Thursday, and while I’m usually ready to burst into tears if he sees his shadow (indicating that winter weather will continue for six more weeks), this year we’ve had a

Posted in criticism, forgiveness, guilt, holidays, perfectionism, winter

Do Celebrities Make Good Health Role Models?

My answer: It depends. Obviously, there are plenty of celebrities who engage in all manner of self-destructive behaviors—ranging from addiction problems to extreme diets—that you would never want to emulate. But there are also a whole slew of celebrities who

Posted in celebrity, cooking, food, portion control, role model, running, teamwork

Paula Deen’s Diabetes Diagnosis

First, is anyone really surprised by Paula Deen’s revelation that she has type 2 diabetes? Assuming she eats what she cooks, the woman has been courting disaster for years. That said, she is charming, gracious, smart, and hilarious, and I

Posted in cooking, diabetes, healthy choices, Paula Deen

Meatless Meal Ideas

If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eat more healthfully, a great way to start is to make at least one of your meals each week without meat. In my book, I talk about the anti-aging benefits of

Posted in cooking, goals, new year, produce, recipes, resolutions, vegetables, weight loss

